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Drs. Hicks, operated a fee-for-service private general dental practice in Palatka, FL for over 30 years. They come with vast experience in all aspects of general, comprehensive, and esthetic dentistry and are personal and professional acquaintances of the Oxfords for > 25 years.

Dr. Charles Hicks earned his Bachelor of Science in Biology degree from the University of Western Ontario and his dental degree from the University of Florida. His passion for dentistry is as intense now as it was at the start of his career. His friendly and kind demeanor coupled with his skill and expertise make him a wonderful addition to our dental team. He has over 20 years of experience with the CerecĀ® digital system, which allows him to prepare, scan, mill, and deliver a high-quality crown, bridge, or veneer the same day without having to send them to a dental laboratory. He is also extremely proficient with root canal therapy and implant dentistry.

Dr. Shannon Hicks earned her Bachelor of Science in Biology with a minor in Chemistry from Murray State University and her dental degree from the University of Florida. She is joining our practice as a patient treatment coordinator and liaison between the patients and the dental team. In her role as an owner and manager of their dental practice, Dr. Shannon built strong relationships with patients and staff members through effective communication, superior office management, and customer service skills. These traits, as well as her ability to assess patients and develop treatment plans to achieve optimal health, tailored to the needs of each patient, make her a unique and valued new member of our dental team.

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